Basic Persuasion Technique

1. Association

Persuasion technique that tries to link a product, service, or idea with something already liked or desired by the target audience.

Exs : Fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy, success, wealth, etc. Can be a very powerful technique.
Brand association is any impression that emerges is associated with the memory of a brand.
Aqua is one of the brand association, which is supported by advertising on television, radio, print media, explaining that aqua is a beverage product in the packaging.
For example, when ads appear aqua depicted is
 " sebuah botol yang berisi air jernih yang bersumber dari mata air pegunungan dan setiap
tetes AQUA adalah ciptaan berharga dengan keseimbangan alami kandungan mineral yang
2. Bandwagon
Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that "everyone is doing it" (or  at
least, "all the cool people are doing it").
On that video advertisement, called "unlimited future" the narrator said that everyone could be
whatever they want in the future and there is not limit for the future, you could be whatever you
want. The thing is, you just have to do it to reach your dream. Just like Nike's slogan "Just Do It".
3. Beautiful People
 Beautiful people uses good-looking models (who may also be celebrities) to attract our
On that ads, Laudya Cynthia Bella shown us her flawless skin and its said
"Mau BENING? Harus komplit cerahnya",
It pursued people to buy that product, so people can have a flawless skin like her.
4. Bribery
 This technique tries to persuade us to
  buy a product by promising to give us something else, like a discount, a rebate, a coupon, or
"free gift.”
Both advertisement pledge us a gift if buy their products. So, if we buy their product, we wish
that we can get one of the gift. It makes people want to but the products more and more to get
a bigger chance to win.
5. Celebrities
(A type of Testimonial – the opposite
 of Plain folks.) We tend to pay attention
 to famous people.
That’s why they’re famous! Ads often
use celebrities to grab our attention.
Maybe lots of us remember Pantene's ads when Anggun said
"Dulu...pernah sih coba shampo lain. Tapi...."
 She try to gives us a testimonial for using Pantene and try to convince people if you use that
product, you'll get a hair like Anggun's hair on that ads.

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